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The voter turnout rate is a mathematical expression that indicates how many eligible voters participated in an ballot. A variety of factors can factor into calculations of voter turnout. For the purposes of this article, voter turnout rates are expressed as follows:

  1. Total ballots bandage: This rate reflects the total number of ballots bandage in a jurisdiction divided by the total number of eligible voters in that jurisdiction.
  2. Total ballots cast for highest office: This charge per unit reflects the total number of ballots cast for the highest office in a jurisdiction divided by the full number of eligible voters in that jurisdiction. In presidential election years, the presidency is the highest office on the election in every country. In non-presidential election years, the highest office on the ballot varies from state to state.


The table below presents national voter turnout rates for each federal ballot yr from 2002 to 2020.[one] [2] [3] [4] [5] [six] [7] [8]

Voter turnout rates in the United States, 2002-2020 (expressed as a per centum of eligible voters)
Twelvemonth Total ballots cast Total ballots bandage for highest part
2020 66.77% 66.21%
2018 50.30% 49.70%
2016 60.twenty% 59.30%
2014 36.70% 36.00%
2012 58.60% 58.00%
2010 41.fourscore% 41.00%
2008 62.20% 61.sixty%
2006 41.30% 40.40%
2004 60.70% 60.seventy%
2002 40.50% 50.10%

The line graphs and tables below present more detailed information on voter turnout rates in the United States from 2002 to 2020.

Voter turnout in terms of full ballots cast, 2002-2020

Voter turnout rates in the U.s., 2002-2020 (total ballots bandage expressed as a percentage of eligible voters)
State 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002
Alabama 63.13% 47.30% 59.30% 33.20% North/A 43.30% 61.00% Northward/A 57.twoscore% NA
Alaska 68.76% 54.60% 61.lxxx% 54.80% 58.xc% 52.90% 68.30% 51.20% 69.60% 54.50%
Arizona 65.92% 49.10% 56.20% 34.10% 53.00% 41.threescore% 57.40% 39.sixty% 54.80% 36.seventy%
Arkansas 56.07% 41.xl% 53.10% 40.30% 51.10% 37.xc% 52.90% 38.90% 54.40% 41.70%
California 68.50% 49.60% 58.forty% 30.70% 55.70% 45.ninety% 61.70% 41.twenty% 59.lx% 37.thirty%
Colorado 76.41% 63.00% 72.10% 54.lxx% seventy.threescore% 51.70% 71.threescore% 48.10% 67.30% 46.lx%
Connecticut 71.49% 54.twoscore% 65.40% 42.l% 61.forty% 45.ninety% N/A 47.lxx% 66.xx% 45.ten%
Delaware lxx.68% 51.twoscore% 64.sixty% 34.90% N/A 49.00% 65.eighty% 42.90% 64.fifty% NA
District of Columbia 64.08% 43.lxx% 61.10% 35.lxx% 61.60% 29.sixty% 61.lxx% 28.lxx% 54.xc% NA
Florida 71.66% 54.xc% 65.70% 43.thirty% 42.twenty% 66.60% xl.ten% 64.70% 45.90%
Georgia 68.03% 55.00% 59.90% 38.60% 59.thirty% 40.60% 62.70% 35.10% 56.40% NA
Hawaii 57.52% 39.30% 43.00% 36.50% 44.l% 40.thirty% 49.00% 38.40% 48.50% 44.20%
Idaho 67.96% 50.00% lx.ninety% 39.80% 61.00% 42.90% 64.eighty% 46.xx% 64.80% 45.twenty%
Illinois 67.02% 51.40% 63.40% 40.fourscore% 59.30% 43.x% 64.30% 41.40% 62.twoscore% 42.lxxx%
Indiana 61.37% 46.90% 57.xc% 28.70% 56.00% 38.10% 37.70% 55.fourscore% NA
Iowa 73.25% 57.70% 69.00% fifty.30% 70.60% 50.70% 69.70% 49.20% 70.sixty% 48.70%
Kansas 65.86% 51.20% 59.70% 43.30% 58.20% 42.lx% 63.fifty% 44.30% 62.90% 44.90%
Kentucky 64.94% 48.sixty% 59.70% 44.ninety% 56.twenty% 44.thirty% 59.00% 44.20% 59.40% NA
Louisiana 64.30% 44.fourscore% lx.60% 44.90% 60.80% 40.00% 61.80% 31.xl% 61.50% forty.10%
Maine 76.32% 60.20% 72.fourscore% 58.seventy% 69.thirty% 55.ninety% 71.lxxx% N/A 74.90% NA
Maryland 71.10% 54.twenty% 67.20% 42.00% 67.thirty% 46.70% 67.lxxx% 47.twenty% 63.10% 46.fourscore%
Massachusetts 72.11% 54.60% 68.30% 44.70% 66.20% 49.40% 67.30% 49.30% 64.60% 49.lxxx%
Michigan 73.xc% 57.80% 65.seventy% 43.twenty% 65.40% 45.10% 69.70% 52.80% 67.10% 45.00%
Minnesota 79.96% 64.20% 74.lxxx% 50.lx% 76.forty% 55.80% 78.10% lx.fifty% 78.80% NA
Mississippi 60.17% 42.seventy% North/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA NA
Missouri 65.47% 53.40% 62.30% 33.60% N/A 45.lxx% 68.20% 51.20% 66.ten% NA
Montana 73.10% 62.00% 64.30% 47.50% 63.50% 48.40% 67.10% 57.10% 65.20% 49.70%
Nebraska 69.89% 51.lxxx% 63.lxxx% 41.40% 61.10% 38.70% 63.70% 48.80% 64.10% NA
Nevada 65.36% 47.50% 29.threescore% 56.50% 41.40% 57.20% 37.10% 55.40% 36.80%
New Hampshire 75.46% 54.60% 72.50% 48.30% 70.90% 46.x% 72.fifty% 42.90% 71.50% 48.70%
New Bailiwick of jersey 75.27% 53.x% 65.l% 32.50% 62.20% 37.lxx% 67.seventy% twoscore.60% 64.20% 38.90%
New Mexico 61.25% 47.30% 55.xx% N/A 54.80% 44.lxx% 61.twenty% 43.ten% 60.twoscore% 40.00%
New York 63.57% 45.20% 57.30% 29.00% 53.50% 36.30% 59.60% 36.l% 58.50% 37.00%
North Carolina 71.48% 49.60% 65.20% 41.twenty% 65.40% 39.80% 66.10% 32.fifty% 58.70% NA
North Dakota 64.45% 58.lx% 61.xc% 45.00% sixty.40% 46.60% 63.60% 45.40% 65.50% 49.80%
Ohio 67.43% l.90% 64.20% 36.20% 65.ten% 46.20% 67.80% 49.l% 67.90% 40.30%
Oklahoma 54.99% 42.50% North/A 30.00% N/A 39.x% 56.30% N/A NA NA
Oregon 75.52% 61.50% 68.30% 53.40% 64.20% 53.90% 68.30% 53.20% 72.60% 51.80%
Pennsylvania 71.14% 51.xl% N/A 36.50% N/A 42.40% 64.20% N/A NA NA
Rhode Isle 65.34% 48.10% 59.lxx% 42.twoscore% Due north/A 45.40% 62.30% 52.x% 58.ninety% 45.twoscore%
South Carolina 64.51% 45.xx% 57.30% 35.20% 56.eighty% 40.30% 58.xx% 35.40% 53.xx% NA
South Dakota 65.97% 53.30% 59.xc% 44.lxx% threescore.x% 53.90% 65.60% 58.80% 69.twoscore% 61.20%
Tennessee 59.81% 45.10% North/A 29.lxxx% 52.30% 35.10% 57.40% 42.ten% 56.lxxx% NA
Texas 60.42% 46.30% 51.threescore% N/A North/A 32.70% N/A N/A NA 34.50%
Utah 69.17% 52.00% 57.seventy% 30.30% 56.10% 36.eighty% 57.ten% 35.00% 59.80% 37.80%
Vermont 74.21% 55.90% 64.80% xl.lxxx% 61.20% 49.80% 67.seventy% 55.00% 66.70% 49.40%
Virginia 73.00% 54.80% Due north/A 36.fourscore% 66.60% 39.ten% 67.60% 44.l% 61.10% 32.30%
Washington 75.71% 58.ninety% 65.seventy% 43.x% 65.lxxx% 54.30% 67.30% 47.30% 67.fifty% 43.50%
Westward Virginia 57.58% 42.50% Northward/A 32.00% N/A 37.twenty% 51.xx% 33.80% 55.10% 31.50%
Wisconsin 75.77% 61.70% Due north/A 56.ninety% 65.80% 52.forty% 72.70% 53.70% 75.thirty% NA
Wyoming 64.56% 48.lxx% 60.40% 39.70% 59.00% 46.00% 63.10% 51.80% 50.eighty%
U.s. 66.77% 50.33% lx.20% 36.70% 58.60% 41.8% 62.two% 60.70% xl.50%
N/A: Data was unavailable for this state in this year.
Source: The states Elections Project, "Voter Turnout," accessed Feb 23, 2022

Voter turnout in terms of total ballots cast for highest office, 2002-2020

Voter turnout rates in the United States, 2002-2020 (total ballots cast for highest office expressed equally a pct of eligible voters)
Land 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002
Alabama 63.08% 47.20% 59.00% 32.ninety% 58.lx% 43.00% 60.80% 37.50% 57.forty% 39.fifty%
Alaska 68.41% 54.thirty% 61.30% 54.20% 58.70% 51.90% 68.00% 51.00% 69.60% 41.fifty%
Arizona 65.27% 48.60% 55.00% 33.forty% 52.60% 41.00% 56.70% 38.90% 54.80% 54.20%
Arkansas 55.86% 41.xl% 52.eighty% 40.10% 50.70% 37.50% 52.50% 38.70% 54.xl% 35.xc%
California 67.41% 48.threescore% 56.70% 29.90% 55.10% 44.00% 60.ninety% 40.xx% 59.threescore% 41.30%
Colorado 75.51% 63.00% 70.10% 53.70% 69.ninety% 50.60% 71.00% 47.30% 67.30% 36.10%
Connecticut 70.07% 54.40% 64.xx% 42.thirty% 61.30% 45.90% 66.60% 46.60% 66.20%
Delaware 70.00% 51.00% 64.twoscore% 34.30% 62.30% 47.fifty% 65.sixty% 42.30% 64.l% 42.30%
District of Columbia 63.69% 42.50% threescore.90% 35.30% 61.50% 28.90% 61.fifty% 28.thirty% 54.xc% 41.ten%
Florida 71.17% 53.30% 64.60% 42.80% 62.80% 41.seventy% 66.10% 39.60% 64.70% 30.x%
Georgia 67.72% 54.90% 59.20% 38.20% 59.00% 39.80% 62.fifty% 34.70% 56.xl% 45.sixty%
Hawaii 57.00% 38.fifty% 42.20% 36.20% 44.20% 39.90% 48.80% 37.xc% 48.50% 35.xl%
Idaho 67.15% 49.40% 59.10% 59.80% 42.30% 63.60% 45.40% 64.80% 43.80%
Illinois 66.84% l.70% 61.ninety% forty.20% 58.90% 42.40% 63.60% forty.20% 62.xl% 44.lxx%
Indiana threescore.66% 46.40% 56.40% 27.80% 55.20% 37.x% 59.10% 36.60% 55.80% 41.twoscore%
Iowa 72.85% 57.twoscore% 68.forty% 49.80% 70.30% 49.xc% 69.40% 48.10% lxx.lx% 33.90%
Kansas 65.79% fifty.90% 57.70% 42.l% 56.90% 41.70% 62.00% 43.threescore% 62.90% 47.90%
Kentucky 64.51% 58.70% 44.20% 55.seventy% 42.40% 57.90% xl.40% 59.40% 44.00%
Louisiana 63.67% 43.00% 60.00% 43.ninety% sixty.20% 38.90% 61.20% 29.70% 61.50% 37.20%
Maine 75.51% 59.10% 70.50% 58.ten% 68.20% 55.20% 70.60% 54.20% 74.90% 39.40%
Maryland 70.41% 53.50% 66.60% 41.seventy% 66.60% 46.40% 67.00% 46.70% 63.x% fifty.80%
Massachusetts 71.58% 53.seventy% 67.20% 44.ten% 65.90% 48.ninety% 66.80% 48.80% 64.sixty% 46.thirty%
Michigan 73.37% 56.sixty% 64.70% 42.70% 64.seventy% 44.50% 69.20% 52.10% 67.ten% 49.20%
Minnesota 79.57% 63.ninety% 74.20% 50.40% 76.00% 55.forty% 77.80% 60.10% 78.80% 44.50%
Mississippi 59.67% 42.50% 55.60% 29.00% 59.30% 37.00% 61.00% 29.xl% Due north/A 64.10%
Missouri 65.74% 53.40% 62.30% 31.70% 62.20% 44.fifty% 67.sixty% 50.00% 66.10% 30.ten%
Montana 72.33% 64.10% 61.fourscore% 46.90% 62.50% 47.50% 66.thirty% 56.40% 65.20% 45.60%
Nebraska 69.xiii% 51.xx% 62.50% twoscore.fifty% threescore.thirty% 37.50% 62.90% 47.60% 64.10% 48.40%
Nevada 65.25% 47.forty% 57.30% 29.thirty% 56.40% 41.30% 57.00% 36.ninety% 55.xl% 39.ninety%
New Hampshire 74.58% 54.40% 71.40% 47.threescore% seventy.xx% 45.70% 71.70% 41.xl% 71.l% 36.twenty%
New Jersey 73.87% 51.80% 64.ten% 31.10% 61.l% 36.forty% 67.00% 39.50% 64.20% 48.10%
New Mexico 60.97% 47.00% 54.80% 35.40% 54.60% 42.80% 60.90% 42.fifty% lx.twoscore% 38.10%
New York 63.03% 56.fourscore% 28.twenty% 53.10% 35.50% 59.00% 34.xc% 58.50% 38.60%
Northward Carolina 71.20% 48.70% 64.80% xl.80% 64.80% 39.xx% 65.50% 31.00% 58.70% 36.10%
North Dakota 64.02% 57.eighty% 60.ninety% 43.80% 59.fourscore% 46.twenty% 62.lxx% 44.90% 65.50% 39.70%
Ohio 66.85% fifty.ten% 62.ninety% 35.10% 64.fifty% 44.90% 66.90% 47.50% 67.90% 48.l%
Oklahoma 54.84% 42.40% 52.twoscore% 29.90% 49.20% 38.fourscore% 55.80% 36.40% North/A 38.eighty%
Oregon 74.28% 60.00% 66.40% 50.90% 63.x% 52.70% 67.seventy% 52.50% 72.60% 41.20%
Pennsylvania 70.69% 51.40% 63.60% 36.10% 59.50% 41.70% 63.60% 44.10% North/A 50.eighty%
Rhode Isle 64.75% 47.50% 59.00% 41.70% 58.00% 44.80% 61.eighty% 51.00% 58.90% 38.fourscore%
South Carolina 64.01% 44.lxx% 56.70% 34.80% 56.30% 39.70% 58.00% 34.sixty% 53.twenty% 44.70%
South Dakota 65.21% 53.00% 58.50% 44.30% 59.thirty% 52.90% 64.70% 57.80% 69.40% 36.90%
Tennessee 59.59% 44.sixty% 51.20% 28.60% 51.90% 34.60% 57.00% 41.forty% 56.80% 60.70%
Texas 60.24% 46.30% 51.threescore% 49.sixty% 32.10% 54.10% 30.ninety% Northward/A 39.60%
Utah 67.91% 51.20% 56.lxx% 29.70% 55.50% 36.thirty% 56.00% 34.30% 59.lxxx% 34.20%
Vermont 73.fifty% 55.10% 63.seventy% 38.90% 60.70% 49.40% 54.ninety% 66.70% 37.00%
Virginia 71.99% 54.60% 66.10% 36.threescore% 66.10% 38.70% 67.00% 44.00% 61.10% 48.80%
Washington 75.17% 58.ten% 64.eighty% 41.20% 64.lxxx% 53.20% 66.60% 47.thirty% 67.50% 29.00%
West Virginia 57.00% 41.seventy% fifty.10% 31.20% 46.thirty% 36.80% 49.90% 32.80% 55.10% 41.80%
Wisconsin 75.50% 61.60% 69.40% 56.sixty% 72.90% 52.00% 72.40% 53.xx% 75.30% 31.20%
Wyoming 64.16% 48.twenty% 59.lxx% 39.00% 58.threescore% 45.50% 62.lxxx% 51.ten% 66.30% 45.40%
United States 66.21% 49.70% 59.30% 36.00% 58.00% 41.0% 40.xl% 60.70% l.10%
N/A: Data was unavailable for this state in this year.
Source: U.s. Elections Project, "Voter Turnout," accessed February 23, 2022

Voter turnout rates by year

Run across the tables below for information on voter turnout rates by country and past twelvemonth. For tables whose contents are hidden, click "[show]" on the righthand side of the table header.


Voter turnout in the United States, 2020
State Turnout as a pct of total ballots bandage Turnout as a percentage of full ballots cast for highest role
Alabama 66.77% 66.21%
Alaska 68.76% 68.41%
Arizona 65.92% 65.27%
Arkansas 56.07% 55.86%
California 68.50% 67.41%
Colorado 76.41% 75.51%
Connecticut 71.49% 70.07%
Delaware seventy.68% lxx.00%
District of Columbia 64.08% 63.69%
Florida 71.66% 71.17%
Georgia 68.03% 67.72%
Hawaii 57.52% 57.00%
Idaho 67.96% 67.15%
Illinois 67.02% 66.84%
Indiana 61.37% 60.66%
Iowa 73.25% 72.85%
Kansas 65.86% 65.79%
Kentucky 64.94% 64.51%
Louisiana 64.30% 63.67%
Maine 76.32% 75.51%
Maryland 71.10% 70.41%
Massachusetts 72.11% 71.58%
Michigan 73.90% 73.37%
Minnesota 79.96% 79.57%
Mississippi 60.17% 59.67%
Missouri 65.74% 65.74%
Montana 73.ten% 72.33%
Nebraska 69.89% 69.13%
Nevada 65.36% 65.25%
New Hampshire 75.46% 74.58%
New Jersey 75.27% 73.87%
New Mexico 61.25% 60.97%
New York 63.57% 63.03%
North Carolina 71.48% 71.20%
North Dakota 64.45% 64.02%
Ohio 67.43% 66.85%
Oklahoma 54.99% 54.84%
Oregon 75.52% 74.28%
Pennsylvania 71.14% 70.69%
Rhode Island 65.34% 64.75%
Southward Carolina 64.51% 64.01%
South Dakota 65.97% 65.21%
Tennessee 59.81% 59.59%
Texas lx.42% lx.24%
Utah 69.17% 67.91%
Vermont 74.21% 73.l%
Virginia 73.00% 71.99%
Washington 75.71% 75.17%
Due west Virginia 57.58% 57.00%
Wisconsin 75.77% 75.50%
Wyoming 64.56% 64.sixteen%
United States 66.77% 66.21%
Due north/A: Data was unavailable for this state in this year.
Source: The states Elections Project, "2020 November General Ballot Turnout Rates," accessed Feb 23, 2022








Historical news coverage and studies

Click "[Show more]" below to run across a sampling of historical news articles and studies dealing with the topic of voter turnout in the United states.

Evidence more

News articles

June 2014

  • Ballot Access News, "California Master Turnout Likely to be Lowest in State History," June 4, 2014
  • Contra Costa Times, "Oakland Tribune editorial: Highest profile Assembly race is far from over," June 4, 2014
  • National Journal, "Not Fifty-fifty Free Weed Will Get People to Vote in a Chief," June 4, 2014
  • Los Angeles Times, "Analysis Poor California primary turnout explained: Contented people stay home ," June 4, 2014
  • Star Ledger, "Despite some big races, voter turnout average in western Union Canton," June iii, 2014

May 2014

  • Trib Live, "Antiquated country election police force blamed for low turnout," May 25, 2014
  • San Jose Mercury-News, "California election: Voter malaise might bring record-depression chief turnout," May 25, 2014
  • Evansville Courier & Printing, "EDITORIAL: Henderson voter turnout embarassing," May 23, 2014
  • Philadelphia Metropolis Newspaper, "Voter turnout dismal, but Democrats manage to pick Tom Wolf to take on Corbett," May 22, 2014
  • News-Sentinel, "Allen County primary election turnout: 12.04 percent," May 7, 2014
  • Chronicle-Telegram, "Voter turnout for primary election 'bottomless'," May 7, 2014

November 2013

  • Independent Voter Network, "Abysmal Voter Turnout in 2013: A Sign Voting Should Be Easier," November 12, 2013

June 2013

  • Independent Voter Network, "Voter turnout in the United States: How depression tin can y'all become?" June 4, 2013

March 2013

  • Washington Postal service, "United states of america with the highest and lowest turnout in 2012, in 2 charts," March 12, 2013

Studies and analysis

  • University of California Santa Cruz, "New book examines states' influence on national voter turnout," May 21, 2014
  • Brookings Institution, "Telling Americans to Vote, or Else," Oct v, 2011
  • Brookings Institution, " Moroccan Roulette: What Happens if You Concord an Election and Nobody Comes?" August 24, 2007
  • University of Adelaide, "Depression Voter Turnout in the United States: Is Compulsory Voting a Viable Solution?" April 2006 Published in the Journal of Theoretical Politics Volume Number xviii, No. 2
  • Cato Institute, "Three Myths nigh Voter Turnout in the United States," September fourteen, 2004
  • Us Demography, "The Refuse in American Voter Turnout," November 1991

See also

  • Election coverage on Ballotpedia
  • Voting policy
  • Calendar of election dates

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Voter turnout United States. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.


  1. United States Election Project, "2020 November General Election Turnout Rates," accessed February 23, 2022
  2. United States Elections Project, "2018 November General Election Turnout Rates," accessed Feb 25, 2019
  3. United states of america Elections Project, "2016 November General Ballot Turnout Rates," accessed October 5, 2017
  4. United States Elections Project, "2014 November Full general Election Turnout Rates," accessed October 5, 2017
  5. United States Elections Project, "2012 November General Ballot Turnout Rates," accessed October 5, 2017
  6. United states of america Elections Project, "2010 November General Election Turnout Rates," accessed October 5, 2017
  7. United States Elections Project, "2008 November Full general Election Turnout Rates," accessed Oct 5, 2017
  8. United States Elections Project, "2006 November General Ballot Turnout Rates," accessed October v, 2017